Sunday, November 7, 2010

all this and heaven too? wow!

People are born so that they can learn how to live a good life like 
loving everybody all the time and being nice, right?

A four-year-old answered: Well, dogs already know how to do that, 
so they don't have to stay as long.
-Author Unknown

Dogs certainly have the life, don't they?  Once they find the right family, they get all the love and attention they need (plus more) and are happy and contented with life.  They always wag their tails, large or small, when you walk through the door and somehow always know when you need to be comforted.  They truly are unique members of their families.

These pups certainly know the good life.  Penny, Marley, and Buffy are special members of our family and bring our lives much love and joy.  They teach us the simplicities of a happy, love-filled life.

I have to say Penny has been energy-filled lately due to her new exercise and diet regimen.  She got a little rambunctious while helping me bust the Furminator criminals a few days ago.  Here's the aftermath:

Well, Aaron did have a part in it too...I love my little Penny girl and love having such an adorable office buddy.

In "sister news,"  Cassie has finally decided where she will be going to high school.  I am proud to say that she will be continuing the legacy and will be attending Villa Duchesne High School.

I had the pleasure of picking her up from her day of shadowing and was overwhelmed with a sense of warmth when I walked through the familiar school doors.  I feel very lucky to have a second home in Villa, even after 6 years (geez I feel old).  It will be so much fun to watch my little sister enjoy the same traditions and experiences I found so much joy in years ago.  Not only am I a proud alum of Villa, my beautiful cousin Sydney will become one as well upon her upcoming graduation.

This weekend was packed...literally.  I helped my hubby's sister move her family, with the help of Aaron and many other helpers, into their beautiful new rental home.

It sure brought back memories of our recent move.  I remember when we moved into our Chicago apartment I said I would never move myself again and then relived the experience recently.  Moving houses, though, is much different than moving a small apartment.  I was happy to help Becky get her little girls' rooms and bathroom ready so that amidst the madness of moving, bedtime would be taken care of.  Not to mention how fun it was to put Barbie sheets on their beds and dress up their bathroom in it's pink and green finery.

I attended Sunday Mass single this week, due to stomach aches and sore throats and was able to really focus on the homily.  Father Hampy, the delightful chaplain, gave a homily themed with a simple statement: all this and heaven too? wow!  Sitting by myself I spent the rest of the Mass reflecting on the good things I have in my life.

I have a wonderful, supportive husband.  A loving family.  Wonderful happy pups, friends, and acquaintances who help me to be the person I have grown up to be.  Heaven must be a wonderful place because I feel so blessed with what God has given me here on earth.  

Sometimes life throws a curveball at you.  You don't get the dream job you felt was perfect for you.  A friend turns their back on you.  You have a really bad day.  You have a bad hair day.  Someone makes you really fuming mad.

That's when you remember there is someone with you always.  Who always loves you.  Who always forgives you.  Who gave up his life so that you could have all this and heaven too.  Wow!

Father Hampy shared a story at the end of his homily about a boy who made the Columbia University football team.  He wasn't a star player, but he loved the game and put all he had into every practice.  In the middle of the season, his father passed away.  A few days later there was an important game coming up.  He asked the coach if, just this once, he could go in as a starter.  His coach, thinking because of his father's death it would be a nice gesture to allow the boy this opportunity, said yes.  Game day came and the boy played like a pro; he even received the game ball.  In the locker room after the game the coach asked the boy what had motivated him to play such an outstanding game.  The boy told the coach that his father was blind.  This was the first football game his father had seen him play.

The story was a shocking example of how grateful each one of us should feel for what we have.

The homily was appropriately themed for tis the season of thanks!  My husband's favorite holiday just happens to be Thanksgiving and in a few weeks we will be enjoying lots of food and football (x2)!  This will be our first Thanksgiving as husband and wife, not to mention the jingly, tinsely holiday that is also approaching.  This time of year truly is the most wonderful!

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