Saturday, March 10, 2012

a spring sort of feeling

Awake, thou wintry earth -
Fling off thy sadness.

Fair vernal flowers, laugh forth
Your ancient gladness!
~Thomas Blackburn, "An Easter Hymn"

My, it has been a long winter!!  However, not as cold and snowy as usual and I am grateful for that.  Cold does not keep us away from the dog park, although it leaves poor Brutus lonely.  Not too many owners want to brave the cold as we do.  Brutus has energy whether it is warm or cold.  Thank goodness for the dog park!

Brutus was spoiled during the cold with some new toys, one of which was this "big boy" set of chew keys.  He can't really be allowed to chew for too long at a time.  He tends to eat the plastic, not good for his belly or my sleep schedule. 

It was so nice to have a cuddly boy during the cold nights (and mornings) spent under the covers.  He discovered the benefits to sleeping under the covers too, it was easier for him to kick us out of bed and out of his space...

The one thing he did do a LOT of this winter is grow!  He is huge compared to the fall.  Many of our neighbors claim he went into hibernation an awkward puppy and came out a grown up dog.  He may be big, but he still has some growing up and settling down to do.

My wonderful husband did not disappoint this Valentine's Day.  The roses he brought home, a day early, were beautiful.

I am one lucky wife.  I think Aaron takes the saying "Happy Wife, Happy Life" to heart.

I think this idea was proven by the Superbowl menu.  We had WAY too much food.  Thankfully our favorite neighbors came over and helped us eat it.  Aaron was clearly a very happy guy.

The winter has vastly decreased the amount of pictures I am able to take of Brutus so some of the best have been taken from inside, even inside the car.  He is still stinking cute, even in the car.

Can't help but observe EVERYTHING...even if it is speeding by Brutus could spot another dog a mile away.

I had to take this picture.  I have wonderful memories of the dog in Homeward Bound flapping his cheeks out the window, when Brutus followed suit I couldn't resist taking a picture.  He looks pretty ridiculous.

I can't get enough of him.  With all the attention he gets, our kids will sure be spoiled.

I was a very proud wife two Sundays ago when my husband was Initiated into the Catholic Church by Archbishop Carlson.

The ceremony took place at the New Cathedral, one of the most beautiful churches in the world.  The murals are incredible.

There were many other candidates and sponsors who joined us on the altar with the Archbishop.  It was definitely an experience I will never forget.  I may have shed a tear or two standing up and supporting my husband.

The group from our parish St. Charles Borromeo.  We have grown to love these people! (Seven months of classes together will do that for you.)

Brutus has learned, from somewhere, that getting older means he is allowed to have an attitude.  This couch picture is a great example of pouting after Daddy put him in his place.  His barking fits are LOUD now that he is big so they must be stopped and Aaron does a great job disciplining Brutus.  Me, well, I'm kind of a pushover.  I do try I really do...

That is the definitive face of a "barkster."

Still cute, even when he is being bad.  Can you tell I love being a puppy parent?

Tad came home for spring break and he, Aaron, and I went to Cassie's volleyball tournament.

She played very well, but was upset that I insisted on taking pictures.

My adorable Mother packed the whole team snacks and the girls (a team to the core) ate together during their off time.

Meanwhile, Tad cuddled/annoyed my Dad.  It was cute, until my Dad had to keep stats.  Then it got serious.

They think it's funny to ruin the pictures I try to take.

This is what I often come out of the shower to in the morning.  He pretty much takes over our bed after his morning walk.

I often wake up to this under the covers next to me.  What cuter face is there to peek out of the covers at you?  So happy he hasn't destroyed that raccoon doll.  It was a birthday present and his favorite activity lately is destroying any toy that isn't made out of hard plastic.  Our amazing dog sitter and friend Jacqueline said it could be in a dog magazine.  Do you agree?

My sissy sent me this picture while she was watching Brutus at my parent's house this weekend.  He actually SLEPT!  An amazing feat considering his BDFF (Best Dog Friend Forever) Marley lives there.

I have a seriously talented sister.  Not only is she naturally smart, she is an amazing artist.  This is her latest school art project!

A very special day for the Weir family is coming up next week: Brutus' First Birthday!!!  We have a cake, card, present, and party day all planned.  I can't believe our little baby is going to be One.  We are proud puppy parents.  That's not the only change coming up for us.  My lack-of-blogging is due to a very busy school, work, tutoring, and substitute schedule.  We have not had a weekend day, until today, in the past two months to ourselves.  The car hasn't even pulled out of our spot. It has been a lovely day.  In May we may be moving to a location closer to downtown to make Aaron's commute easier, I will be applying for student-teaching, and we will be figuring out our summer vacation plans.  Happy Spring to everyone and Happy Daylight Savings!