Sunday, November 27, 2011

the gifts we've been given

He who thanks but with the lips
Thanks but in part;
The full, the true Thanksgiving
Comes from the heart.~J.A. Shedd

Thanksgiving!  A time for celebrating all the blessing you have and giving thanks.  The Weirs had their SECOND Thanksgiving as Mr & Mrs this year in our usual fashion, two Thanksgivings!  We went to Aaron's sister's home for Thanksgiving lunch.  Brutus tagged along for his very first Thanksgiving and played his little puppy heart out in the backyard.  The girls didn't waste any time finding Uncle Aaron and giving him hugs!

Jordan joined in the fun too.  They sure do love their silly Uncle Aaron.

All the girls looked adorable in their Thanksgiving dresses.  The Rio birds joined in too.  Jordan's new favorite movie includes these wacky birds and she found some stuffed parrots to come to our Thanksgiving dinner.

Riley and Uncle Josh.

Jill, John, and Jordan.  So cute.  Jordan looks so much like her mommy:)

Little Charlotte wasn't so little anymore.  She was walking and talking.  She loved watching Brutus play with the "Ball!" and letting all her Uncles and Aunts hold her.  And let me tell you, the girl can eat some mashed potatoes like nobody's business.

Jordan and Mommy spent some time together, but most of the time the girls were playing dress up and Barbies in the basement playroom.  Sound familiar?  Sounds like exactly what Sydney and I used to do during holidays and family gatherings.

I was so glad Kevin joined us this year.  I think Jan, my wonderful Mother-In-Law, was too!

See that pointed finger?  Charlotte wanted her Aunt Viki a lot, especially when I was playing photographer.  I think it may have had to do with the fact that I gave her some mashed potatoes...

These two were quite the cuddly couple throughout the afternoon.

What is Thanksgiving without football?  The boys had their Fantasy stats up and ready to go.  Does not surprise me at all.

I think this was one of many Pepsis that Taia "accidentally" got out of the fridge and started drinking.  Uncle Josh definitely didn't mind getting a little love from his oldest niece.

Baby Charlotte was so cute I couldn't get enough of her:)

The table settings were gorgeous.  Becky did a wonderful job, it was like something out of Better Homes and Gardens.

The little girls got to chow down first.  I loved the lunch tray set up.  As you can see, the mashed potatoes were popular here as well.  

The spread was incredible.  I definitely held back considering I had another full meal that night.  Those two dished of green bean casserole were my contribution to the meal.  I love being a Misses and bringing an official dish to the holiday meals.

The Schneider Family Thanksgiving was an event.  The food was delicious, the company was entertaining, and the atmosphere was cozy.  The McElwains joined us this year and the boys were SO big.  Evan is a total guys guy.  He even watched the football games with Daddy.

Caleb and Grandpa cuddled on the couch after dinner.  Brown bear, Caleb's special stuffed animal, came for Thanksgiving too.  Grandpa attempted to steal him away, but Caleb would have none of that.

Surprise!  My handsome hubby was having football time for the second time.

Opa catching up with a few of his grandchildren.

We were so happy to have Tad's girlfriend Veronica joining us.  They are quite adorable together.

We even got to celebrate a birthday, Ally-bug turned 4. (And my Daddy had a birthday too!)

Little Ally was not feeling too well.  That's ok...Daddy will blow out the candles for you!

She still looked like a little princess, even if she had a cold.

Nanny T made another one of her amazing cakes for Ally's birthday.  A Pink Butterfly!

Opa & Trey.  Troublemakers, the two of them.

Sydney was home from school and I was so happy to be able to catch up on her college experience thus far.  We talk every week, but seeing her at home was wonderful.  I miss her being home.

Brutus got a little Thanksgiving gift himself on Black Friday.  He got a new, adorable stuffed toy which only took him 1 Day to completely destroy.  Mommy learned a lesson about which toys big boy dogs need.  

I am so thankful for this past year of marriage, for Brutus, my wonderful family, and for the love God has shown me.  I know that I do not deserve any of it and that makes me all the more grateful.  Happy Thanksgiving to everyone!  Now...let the Christmas season BEGIN!

Sunday, November 20, 2011

Happy Birthday Daddy!

A father carries pictures where his money used to be.  ~Author Unknown

Happy Birthday Daddy!  I will always be your little girl.
I love you so much.  Thank you for always taking care of me.

I love my father as the stars - he's a bright shining example 
and a happy twinkling in my heart.  ~Terri Guillemets

flower gleam and glow, let your power shine

Pixie, kobold, elf, and sprite,
All are on their rounds tonight;
In the wan moon's silver ray,
Thrives their helter-skelter play.
~Joel Benton

The witching hour was close at hand, but not too close to enjoy a Bonfire Party at the Knickmeyers.  I was a ballerina (because I had a bag full of unused leotards and tights) and Aaron wore his Cardinals shirt in celebration of the win.  We had a wonderful time and the weather was chilly enough not to freeze us, but to make the warmth of the fire delightful.

Then it was pumpkin carving time:)  The hubby helped, thank goodness for the manpower.

Not the best picture of me, but my Mister certainly looks handsome.

Pumpkin carving and Hocus Pocus are a perfect pair.

Roasted Pumpkin Seeds, a Weir Family tradition...and very yummy I might add.

I passed out the candy and supplied the spooky sound effects.  It was a wonderful night and I enjoyed having so many little ghouls and goblins to give candy to.

I must admit, after the Halloween festivities were over I was in for a shocker.  The end of the semester is looming and so are the projects, papers, and tests.  I have been doing homework nonstop and the past few weeks have been busy.  My poor husband went to bed hours before I did two nights last week and I was officially exhausted once the weekend hit.  Thankfully, many of my big assignments are finished and Thanksgiving offers a much needed week of rest.

Family time was the name of the game last Saturday evening when our niece came over for a sleepover.  She and Brutus were little buddies on Sunday morning.  Jordan was anxiously awaiting blueberry muffins and Brutus was joining in.

Aren't they adorable?  This picture has got to be one of the cutest of the Jordan-Brutus set.

Now I get to really feel old.  My little sister recently attended her first homecoming dance of high school.  I offered my services as a big sis and went to help her get ready.  She let me do her hair, makeup, and even choose her jewelry.  Personally, she didn't need much to be gorgeous.  She's a natural.

She looked incredible.  Even Marley wanted a picture with her.

We took lots of pictures waiting for her date.  She claimed not to be nervous, but I remember those days, even if they were a long, long, long time ago.

Will, a former classmate from A.S.H., was the perfect gentlemen.  I had to force the two to stand closer than two feet apart for the pictures.

I'll admit, I cried a few tears.  I cannot believe my little sister is so grown up, gorgeous, and ready for a homecoming dance.  She isn't the little girl with the blonde bob who used to climb in bed with me every weekend morning. She isn't the little girl who I told stories to, or comforted when she had nightmares, or played polly pockets with.  She's a young lady and I am one proud big sister.

Someone else is growing up in the family...Brutus!  He is now 8 months old and a big 52 pound boy.

He is the light of my life.  Truly the most wonderful pup in the world. 

Even when he is covered in mud on the way home from the dog park, I would kiss him and cuddle him just the same.

That glowing ball is one of the new toys he got for his special day and he LOVES it.  It is pretty hilarious when the vibration shakes his entire head when he picks it up.  I think he is trying to turn it off.  It makes an annoying noise that even he doesn't like.

Brutus Norman turning 8 months old is hard to believe.  When he was 8 weeks old he rode home in a laundry basket and now he sits in the front seat.

His little body used to barely fill that bed and now he has nearly outgrown it.

Brutus is our baby.  We are so lucky to have a happy-go-lucky pup in our lives.

Even when we go on a car ride he is photogenic.  I mean, look at that little nose.

Happy 8 months little boy.  Mommy and Daddy love you very much.  We can't wait to see what you do next.