It's a strange thing, but when you are dreading something, and would give anything to slow down time, it has a disobliging habit of speeding up.
~J.K. Rowling -- Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire
Let me begin by apologizing for my lack of posts this month thus far. February has been a busy month and school is taking up most of my time, not to mention a very romantic first Valentine's day with my husband as Mrs. Weir. Going to school, actively observing in the classroom, and working on the side has made a busy gal out of me. However, I love being busy. (Don't you love my quote this week? Although I am not dreading any upcoming event I am a HP fan and was excited to use one of Mrs. Rowling's quotes on my blog.)
Although I realize this is not the most glamorous of superbowl spreads, it was quite delicious, not to mention fattening. We were happy about the outcome, but overall the lack of entertainment and horrific performance of the national anthem left us with a lackluster superbowl.
Then it was back to school for me. One of my classes, Music Theory to be exact, is turning out to be quite difficult. I think it has something to do with the fact that because theory is the "math" of music my failings at that particular subject are carrying over. Thankfully, due to LOTS of extra work and an understanding professor, I am doing pretty well. My first quiz is tomorrow so we will have some definite results then.
Wednesday turned out to be a VERY exciting day for me as it was my very first day observing in an actual classroom. I am very privileged to be observing in my own first grade teacher's kindergarten classroom. She has since moved to kindergarten and I could not be observing a better teacher. She is so wonderful with her boys and girls and I have already learned some fantastic teaching techniques. Thank you Mrs. Kaemmerlen for not only inspiring me to become a teacher, but helping shape me into the teacher I want to become through your example.
There is this joy, this rush I feel working in the classroom, seeing children achieving, and being one of the people shaping them into the people they will become. It is a daunting task for some, but for me it is simply amazing. There is this rush I feel when I am onstage performing, a feeling I thought could never be matched when I was "working," but it has been; by teaching. Because of children learning and growing in a classroom. Teachers are truly the heroes of our society and it is sometimes easy not to see that until you step into their shoes. Thank you to all my heroes who taught me, inspired me, and helped me to remember, every day, that I am a special person who can change the world.
Speaking of the stage, I have not left it behind. I want to be a teacher, but in the summer months, which teachers have off (hooray!) I can still participate in something I will always have a passion for. I had a successful audition with the top theater/commercial/on-camera agency in St. Louis and will be auditioning for the Muny in March. The Muny audition is one of my favorites. Although it is very intimidating, because this will be my 12th audition or so (including my teenage years) it has become an annual event. Last year I made it all the way until the end of callbacks and it was the best audition yet. Cross your fingers for me this year. It is a dream of mine to perform as an adult on that stage.
Cassie and I have been bonding quite a bit recently, and because I am her Confirmation sponsor, we attended Mass and class together this past Sunday. It is interesting to see the interactions between the other candidates and their sponsors. I feel very honored that Cassie chose me to be her lifelong confidant, friend, and role-model in the Catholic church. Not to mention she is my little sissy and I already love the special relationship we have. I love my little sweets.
And then it was Valentine's Day! My husband, because he is especially romantic and creative when he gives me gifts, had beautiful roses delivered the Friday BEFORE Valentine's Day. Here they are sitting on my work desk. He never fails to impress and surprise me.
Cassie made these delicious chocolate covered strawberries for us herself. Quite a creative sister if I do say so myself!
On the actual day of Valentine's my husband spoiled me all day. He didn't spend too much time working and even had lunch with me. He also planned a surprise dinner at a restaurant I had never been to before that was a surprising five minutes away!
Vivian's Vineyards is an adorable restaurant that is in an old house built right near the Riverfront in St. Charles. I loved the old fashioned feel and the fact that we were in an actual home. The dinner was delicious and we even got some champagne sherbet at the end of our meal. And it wasn't a snooty restaurant. It felt so "homey" and the chef/owner came to our table at the end of the meal and shared some of his recipe secrets with us. The tiramisu he makes apparently takes as good as the original in Italy. We were far too stuffed to order that much dessert.
It was a perfect evening, one I will never forget as it is our first Valentine's as a married couple. My husband even gave me a hand-written card that thanked me for the past week and how he still felt the butterflies and excitement to take me out on a date as he did the very first time. That's why we make the perfect couple. By the way, those are his word not mine.
The pups even celebrated Valentine's with some special treats. Penny barely had time to taste hers as she swallowed it whole, but Marley took a little more time enjoying his. They were very cute Valentine pups all day.
Valentine's Day was the beginning of the amazing weather we have been having in St. Charles. God was certainly reminding everyone here how much he loves them by making the weather warm so that all the ice and snow could melt and we could enjoy being outside again.
My husband has certainly been taking this to heart.
Marley was quite annoyed that such a large squirrel infiltrated one of the trees in our yard.
Penny just wanted the dead branches he was cutting off the tree. Aaron says she looks a little like a bear in this picture.
I am enjoying the beginning of spring too. I was outside during the climbing of the tree, mostly because if my husband were to fall and break a limb I could get the proper assistance, and have loved being able to play outside and enjoy breathing in the fresh spring air. There is a smell that everyone recognizes about spring and it has been a joy to breathe it in.
Soon my mom will be recruiting us to wash the screens and the windows, a Delicath-family spring cleaning tradition and in no time, if the weather continues warming up, the family pools will open.
As God reminds me how thankful I am to him for the new life and beauty that springtime will bring, I also am reminded of the beauty in my marriage. I know that I need to do a little "spring cleaning" in that area of my life: learn a little more patience, be kind and slow to anger, and to live in each wonderful, beautiful moment having Aaron as my husband brings.
So here's to spring, love, and living our lives enjoying them.
Also, HAPPY 20th BIRTHDAY TO MY AMAZINGLY KIND, BRAVE BROTHER TAD! Have an amazing day and get ready for next year, you will be turning 21 and I will be celebrating with you! Love you buddy:)