Sunday, October 16, 2011

trick or treat till the neighbors gonna die of fright...

When witches go riding,
and black cats are seen,
the moon laughs and whispers,
‘tis near Halloween.
~Author Unknown

It's October!  Time is FLYING this year and I cannot believe that Mid-Term just passed at school.  My favorite time of year is rapidly approaching and fall is in full swing.  At the end of last month I had the delight of watching my sweet swissy play volleyball for the JV team at Villa Duchesne.  She absolutely rocked it out!

Number 12!

My camera did not get a great action shot, but trust me, she had some amazing hits.

I am so proud of her.

Benched :(  Villa ended up losing their match, but Cassie played great and it was nostalgic to be back at my alma mater.

Then it was time (much to my delight) to throw a dinner party for one of Aaron's co-workers and friends.  I went a little crazy with the appetizers.  However, the boys seemed to really enjoy them.

I put my apron (thanks honey) to good use and cooked up a storm.  I tried some new recipes (they were delicious) and Brutus was my right hand man.

Adobo Chicken.  Delicious recipe (thanks Food Network).

The sauce had to be the best part.  I am a big fan of a great marinade and simmering sauce.

My hubby requested a pumpkin pie.  The dinner was a success and the card game afterwards was  hilarious.  I cannot wait to do it again.

Life continued as usual in the Weir household.  Brutus has calmed down a little and now waits for us to get ready in the morning before he heads downstairs.  Here he is waiting for Daddy.

An unfortunate event occured while our neighbors were out of town...their apartment FLOODED.  A pipe burst while they were gone and poured water through the ceiling for 5 days.  I was en-listed to take some pictures and this is one of the many casualties of the event.  They were so great about it though, and were thankful that no one was hurt and did not seem to mind that it was only their "stuff" that was ruined.  Taught me a lesson about the value of "stuff" and the importance of having good insurance.

Not to mention how lucky I am to have to wonderful boys in my life:)

That insurance lesson came in handy the very next weekend.  Aaron was out of town at a bachelor party with no cell phone signal (they were playing hunting and fishing in the woods) and some ill-placed construction debris flew up and hit our windshield.  Yeah, it was pretty scary.  However, I put on my big girl shoes and took care of making the arrangement for the repair with the insurance company.

Fortunately (and unfortunately for the windshield) I was on my way to the bachelorette party for the bride, Ashleigh, and we were heading to a winery for the afternoon.  The maid-of-honor made some adorable t-shirts for us to wear for the day:)

We had so much fun.  The girls rented a small barn for us to eat, drink, and celebrate Ashleigh's second to last weekend of being "un" married together.  It was a picture perfect afternoon, the weather was warm and some of the gals busted out their cowboy boots.

I felt like the old-married lady :)

Ashleigh had so much fun and the girls provided some really cute accessories for her to wear for the day.  I am so excited to celebrate her Big Day next weekend!

Country Fair at A.S.H. was the next day and Tad & Dad were trouble makers to the core.  They won some beer hats and showed them off for the camera.  Gotta love those red-neck flames:)

Don't worry, Brutus had his share of fun this weekend too.  He and Mommy took a trip to the dog park for some doggy fun and he took full advantage.  He even met another Boxer pup.

In true Brutus form, he found a mud pit and went to town.  Despite my lack of enthusiasm, he was pretty hilarious in the mud and even headed up a pack of "bad-dogs" who played in the mud and wrestled to their hearts' content.  I never thought my little boy would be such a trouble-maker.

We got home and he got a bath.  I don't think he was too happy about it.

He was all tuckered out after his bath (and a little cold) so he bundled up on the couch in his blanket.  Look at that sweet baby face.

So now it's pumpkin carving time and I could not be more excited:)

I will say I miss my college roomie.  She is the biggest fan of Halloween in the world.  Not to mention she just celebrated a birthday (HAPPY BIRTHDAY!).  The gals above knew how to do it up Halloween style almost as well as Jules:)

I hope everyone is pulling on their cowboy boots, roasting some pumpkin seeds, and reveling in this wonderfully spooky time of year.  Enjoy the beautiful fall weather.  Oh, and LET'S GO ST. LOUIS CARDINALS!

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