Wednesday, March 30, 2011

spring fling

School's out.  School's out.  Teacher let the monkeys out.
-Opa Schneider

First things first, we got a new car (well sorta)!  We bought a lightly used Toyota Rav-4, beautiful blue car!  It is our first big purchase as Mister & Misses and the entire experience was wonderful!  I think that says a lot about our marriage that a big decision like buying a car was a completely positive experience.  Not to mention all the help we received from our St. Charles family and all the wonderful friends and acquaintances of my grandparents.  They called it the "handshake deal," and let me tell you it was an experience that solidified our home here in St. Charles.

I think God laughed when we got the car because the next day, when we were attending our cousin Rachel's birthday party 40 minutes away, it snowed.  And I mean SNOWED!  The picture above is in the middle of the snow when we made it to Tiffany and Kevin's for the party.  Middle of March and it's snowing...ridiculous.  The car drove great, my hubby really knows how to make his way in snow and we made it there and back safely.

Back to the birthday celebration,  it just happens to be Miss Rachel's 5th birthday this month on the 31st and we celebrated as a family on Saturday at the Tibb household.

Cassie enjoyed the party, but spent much of the time babysitting.  She looks like she's doing a great job with the birthday girl's sister, Ally.

Here's the birthday Momma and her gorgeous sister and Baby Caleb.  The party was hosted beautifully, I might add, and despite the missing guests (due to snow and other trips) it was a grand success.  The birthday girl said herself that it was "the funnest day ever."

Evan, my handsome ring-bearer, was the life of the party.  He even tried to teach the whole kid's table how to smile for a picture.  Opps, Caleb seems confused.

There was a whole lot of Grandpa lovin' going on and Ally even snuck down from the playroom for a little one-on-one time.

 Miss Rachel was one busy birthday bee during the party.  I could barely catch a snapshot :)  I finally got one during one of the many chasing games which were egged on by none other that Mr. Weir.

During present time, we caught a rare glimpse of Tiff's hula hooping skills.  Good thing Aaron & I gave Rachel that pink hula hoop!  K-K even tried it out!

No one was surprised that these two gents, Kev and my Hubby, drank a couple beers and talked about all the exciting stuff coming up for Better Life.  They can't get enough!

It was a fabulous party and a great kick-off to my spring break!

Spring break is slightly different when you are getting your Masters and working a 40 hour a week job, but it is still relaxing.  I must admit, I'd rather be in Jamaica...

BUT I have been able to spend some time with my husband and check out some townhomes for our upcoming move.

Let me tell ya, I am ready for spring to REALLY get here.  Warm weather, no more snow.  I'm ready...bring it on!

Spring = warm weather = new life = EASTER!  Can't wait to dye eggs and celebrate Jesus' resurrection together with my amazing family!

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