Sunday, February 27, 2011

sneezes and sniffles

The best six doctors anywhere
And no one can deny it
Are sunshine, water, rest, and air
Exercise and diet.
These six will gladly you attend
If only you are willing
Your mind they'll ease
Your will they'll mend
And charge you not a shilling.
~Wayne Fields

So I finally, and this is not a good finally, got the cold that has been going around since December.  I suspect it is because I have been spending lots of time in classrooms with 5 and 6 year olds.  As much as they try, some of their runny noses need constant attention and they do not always remember to use germ-x or wash their hands.  They are stinkin' cute though so if they are the culprits of this cold I will nor complain.

Ever notice how after the 105th time you blow your nose it really starts to get annoying.  Like when you're at the gym and you have to carry a ridiculous amount of tissues in your pocket and stop in the middle of your workout?  Yuck.

My husband, as always, has been taking wonderful care of me and despite my stubborn resistance yesterday I reached my breaking point and had to take it easy all day.  The pups have been helping too, Penny always lays near me just in case I need a cuddle.

Because of all this "laying around" I have been feeling quite lazy.  I HATE not being able to get lots of things done, especially on the weekends.  However, I have made progress in my book, The Birth of Venus, and have now completed 6 seasons of Grey's Anatomy.  The latter is not really something I would tell the world, but when you have to rest, Netflix is a great friend.  This show, as much as it IS FICTIONAL and focuses on drama more than on the medical practice, has spurned some really fun and interesting conversations with Opa, a former vascular surgeon.  He has saved countless lives and even helped one of his friends survive a heart attack when they were on vacation.  Pretty cool, huh?!

My Mister and I have heard some excellent stories about my grandparent's and parent's pasts recently.  I love hearing stories, especially the ones my dad tells.  Like how he used to have nightmares about a raccoon attacking him from an uncovered section of stairs in his old attic or his near death experience with a tractor mower when he was young.  He seemed to get into more trouble than he lets on:)

With a sneeze, or two or three, I will say goodbye to February and hello to March!  I am excited to have Tad home for spring break and for some warm weather.  Happy Spring!

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